Hapoin 2016 “June Book Donation” Campaign

As the “six” Children’s Days approach, Hapoin upholds the concept of “people oriented”, practicing Hapoin (Happy Tham) corporate culture. For the children of Hapoin employees carefully prepared a special holiday gift: books.

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Books are people’s friends, books are the ladders of human progress. Hapoin encourages young employees to love books from childhood, love reading, and optimistic books a good habit, wanting the children to spend a special and meaningful vacation in academia.

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Hapoin personnel for different ages of children carefully selected excellent children’s books, picture books from babble to fairy tales of Spotless Mind, enlightenment knowledge books. Help children recognize and understand this beautiful world. Please take care of Hapoin for each employee on children’s day may it be such a special day for the children to bring positive happiness.

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Celebrated on May 16 at the company in a simple and meaningful way “I read, I’m happy.” Giving Activities. Hapoin received a gift from employees who felt that these activities were particularly meaningful, thanking the company for their care and concern.

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Hapoin “June book donation” activities have been carried out affirming the 5th, and will also be one of the living Hapoin cultures

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