Hapoin charity activities – 2014 to help Tibet Xigaze

In 2014, Hapoin continuation of the company’s corporate culture over the years, continue to maintain assistance to poor mountain areas. The goal of our donation is to locate the Shigatse region in Tibet, and we appeal to everyone to donate their own intact clothing.

When the news was issued, they got the enthusiastic response of colleagues, a short period of time to collect a lot of clothing.

Hoạt động từ thiện của Hapoin năm 2014

We would like to thank our partners for their recognition of our culture and their implementation.

Thanks to the small partners of the poor mountain elderly care for children.

Hope that these loaded with our love of clothing can be as soon as possible to Tibet Xigaze region compatriots in the hands, let them wear warm, but also feel the warmth of the soul.

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